The Grissim Guides to Manufactured Homes and Land

News & Notes Archive - December 2005

The Complete Buyer’s Guide receives a compliment from an unusual source

One of the topics on which I focus a great deal in The Buyer’s Guide is how manufactured homes are sold, including a list of warning signs of sales behavior that should be regarded as red flags, examples of deceptive and misleading sales techniques, even a chapter describing how an unscrupulous dealer fleeces a fictitious couple. To be sure, I also list behaviors that indicate a trustworthy dealer, but the overall message to readers is, Proceed with caution with your BS detector on full alert.

I’ve long believed that if MH dealers and their sales staffs were to read the book, they would benefit greatly. But to date, very few retailers have purchased copies. I’d all but given up on getting my message across when last month there appeared an article in an industry trade magazine written by, of all people, John Underwood, the nationally noted sales trainer with an excellent reputation for helping retail sales centers improve their sales techniques by treating customers honestly, with dignity and full disclosure (what a concept!). Here’s an except from his article, Selling 101—getting a commitment:

“...I would like to take just a quick opportunity to recommend a book written by John Grissim, an outsider to our industry, a journalist and accomplished writer. His most recent book is titled The Complete Buyer’s Guide to Manufactured Homes and Land. I’m not even going to begin to tell you all of the information you will find in this book, but I will tell you that for an industry professional, such as a retailer, manufacturer, etc., this book falls squarely into the ‘must read’ category. If you’re in the world of selling factory-built housing, I would categorize this book as an ‘ABSOLUTELY MUST READ.’

“Grissim, albeit as kindly as possible, warns your potential buyers what to look for in retailers, retail salespeople and in the product. If you will just stop doing what Grissim has rightfully identified as rather dubious or suspicious behavior, you will absolutely sell more homes. (No, I do not get a commission from the author. I just like his insight.) ...Incidentally, your prospects ARE buying the book.”

One couldn’t ask for a better review from some one inside the MH industry, and I was delighted. I wrote Mr. Underwood to thank him. I wish I could say that I’ve noticed an up-tick in book orders from retailers.